twitter block tools
general info
Most (if not all) of these use Twitter API and have rate limits. The rate limit, to my understanding, is 500 requests (so, blocks or mutes) at one time or 900 within a period of 15 minutes. Most of these will stop you at 500, but on occasion you may be forcibly logged out. If that happens, just clear your cache, wait a few hours to be safe, and continue!
twitter blockchain
chrome link
Use this to block the list of people a user followers/has following them. Go to an account, go to their followers/following tab, and run blockchain. (If there's anyone you happen to follow already, it will skip them, so that's safe.)
chrome link / firefox link
Similar to Twitter Blockchain, but with some additional benefits: 1) you can run it on likes of a tweet, 3) you can choose to mute people instead of block, and 3) lets you import block lists.
Redblock's info page is in Korean, but when you add it on, it should convert to English.
one-click block
chrome link / firefox link
Adds a button to tweets that makes it quicker to block (no need to go to the tweet dropdown, then block, then confirm).
block with love
script link
A script you can use with Greasemonkey / Tampermonkey, in any browser. Adds a button right on to the twitter layout to block everyone who has liked or RT'd a tweet.
Blocking RTs does not block QRTs (so people who QRT'd to disagree are not blocked).
sentinel bot bulk blocker
link to website
Go to Advanced --> Bulk block. allows you to block anyone who replied to a tweet, as long as it's not an old tweet.
suggestions / questions
If there's any tools i'm missing, or you have questions about using any of these, please feel free to send me a message!